Too large a crown risks uprooting the tree.
Through becoming overmighty, empires topple.
By becoming too clever, wise ways are lost.

Give up questing for gold.
The mine of here and now is more precious:
producing nothing, yet richly productive.

Archaic simplicity speaks volumes.
Rootless sophistry has nothing to say.
The sage seems dumbstruck, yet tells all.

Standing still?
Standing firm!



Tao warns repeatedly against the consequences that arise from failing to heed or respect natural laws and principles.
Global climate change stemming from excesses of human activity is the most obvious topical example of this recklessness.
Others include the impending failure of antibiotic treatments due to overprescription; and pollution by non-biodegrable plastics.

The principles of Taoism endorse 'intermediate' or 'appropriate' technology; recycling, reusing or 'repurposing'; and 'green' energy production.
Such activities are prompted by an imperative to align human needs within the natural environment, rather than attempting to impose them upon it.