Mountains rise and fall; trees grow and decay;
clouds form and disperse; Tao ebbs and flows;
- but its prescence lingers long.

Tao is neither tremulous nor precipitate.
What seems like hesitation is preparation.
A secure advance is worth waiting for.

Tao is neither niggardly nor profligate.

What seems like sufficiency is generosity.
An abundant harvest rewards prudent sowing.

Clear vision awakens Tao.
Forthright action enlivens Tao.


A true and profound engagement with 'nature' in the broadest sense implies interacting with respect and wisdom born of experience.
In many situations 'nature knows best' and ignoring or opposing this principle can lead to destructive consequences.
The stress placed on ecosystems and global climate by excessive human activities is a prime example of this. 

Conversely there are circumstances where skilful interventions promote sustainably beneficial outcomes.
'Organic' gardening, with its emphasis on maintaining soil health and biodiversity exemplifies this approach.