A straightforward way blunders into difficulties.
A sinuous way overcomes them with ease.

An obvious approach leads toward obstacles.
A circuitous path enjoys surmounting them.

The direct route looks short, but is arduous, slow and exhausting.
The meandering one looks overlong, but is nifty and a joy to follow.

Place each step well, to take a great journey.
Pause often, to absorb changing views.

Flirt with the destination.
You will find your self there
- before you know it!



This excursion aims to illustrate some of the contrasts between 'conventional' thinking or awareness and that which is characteristic of Tao.

Ignoring hazards, rigours and pitfalls in rugged terrain can lead to unnecessary effort, gruelling conditions and even dangerous situations.
Choosing to follow a way which
respects natural features and habitats, and 'goes with the grain' of the land, can be far more satisfying.
To follow Tao is to tread such a path; whether formed in antiquity by wise souls, or devised by your self in intimate touch with nature.