The sun is old, but the dawn is young and fresh.
The Way is old, but each new day invites a new way.
The old offers illumination, for the young to welcome or spurn.

Though all-embracing, Tao is a mere slip of a thing.
Though all-encompassing, Tao is but a tiny word.
Though all-transforming, Tao changes nothing.

The Way starts and ends here and now.
The essence of Tao is an open secret.
The sage is just a sage.

Meditate by living!
Enlighten by being!
Cherish Tao!


Tao is often described as baffling, perplexing and paradoxical; but such impressions essentially arise from attempts to engage with it in an inappropriate manner.
A sceptical receptivity of mind is advised: if inadequately prepared, it is better to rebuff or marginalise Tao
until gaining further practice and experience of living.
Tao will never take offence or go away - and will always be there if and when you become ready to develop a meaningful, mutual and harmonious relationship.

Too little knowledge is a dangerous or at least a deceptive thing; but too much can also be a block or hindrance to forming a full appreciation of Taoism.
If philosophy is defined as 'love of wisdom' then there are many philosophers whose 'love' is overly intellectual and arid; or overly sentimental and sloppy.
Taoism as a philosophy encourages balance and clarity, both inwardly and outwardly; in giving and receiving, in thought and feeling, in living and being.


Notes from the Author