When strong and weak join forces:
Strength shows its weakness;
Weakness shows its strength.

When hard and soft ally:
Hardness toughens softness;
Softness tempers hardness.

Through clarity, the concealed is revealed.

With harmony, discord becomes concord.
By Tao, division reaches coalition.

And opposition?
Yields composition!

The basis of Tao's action in the world is to maintain or restore a dynamic equilibrium between conflicting or contrasting forces.
Tao seeks not merely to reach a fair compromise but to foster collaboration that leads to healthier or happier outcomes 'all-round'.

If strength clashes against strength, violence escalates; unless stability can be swiftly and dexterously restored, things won't end well.
If weakness clings to weakness: initiative, enterprise & enthusiasm wither; whilst a mire of stagnation & despondency blocks progress.